Connected Communities Program

The Perth Football League's Connected Communities Program tackles one of our communities most difficult challenges. Local football clubs have always been a great place to get oursleves physically fit, but with such connected communities, we are well positioned to help our players, volunteers and the broader community with their mental fitness and to get through live's most challenging periods together. Our Connected Communities Program consists of:- 

Our 70 clubs are developed and supported through a series of coach, volunteer and player education sessions.

Attendees learn how to stay connected, recognise signs and symptoms of anxiety and depression, develope a game plan to build resiliance in themselves and others, gain an awareness of local services and are encouraged to take the Towards Zero Pledge. 

The Connected Communities Program also benefits the broader community through the education provided to our 12,500 players as well as our annual Community Promotional Rounds which spreads the key messages to 100,000+ supporters, family and friends. We also believe that through developing the overall capacity of our clubs we are helping develope a more resilient Western Australia as our club members are connected to a supportive community.

The Connecting Communities Program is based on findings from a 2020 report on the Mental Health of Community Football players called Get Around Me which found that:- 

  • 14.5% of respondents ‘not playing’ football in 2020 answered that their Mental Health was ‘much worse than last year’ as opposed to 1.5% of respondents who ‘played’;

  • One in four respondents answered that they would ‘love’ to learn more about issues such as addiction, mental health and wellbeing, community development etc. through the football club environment;

  • 94% of respondents indicated the football club was important for their physical health with 55.5% of respondents who are ‘not playing’ football in 2020 suggesting their physical health had deteriorated since last year, compared with 28.5% from those who ‘played’. According to analysis of this data, players who ‘gained weight’ were the worst performing subset with regards to alcohol consumption and mental health testing;

  • Six respondents who ‘didn’t play’ in 2020 indicated they had severe anxiety (according to the GAD-7 questionnaire) compared with only one who ‘did play’, despite the ‘playing’ sector having 56% more respondents; and

  • According to this data, playing football provided “a particular benefit to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders’ mental health (anxiety and depression measured by the PHQ9 and GAD7) which is striking” Prof. Sean Hood.

The Perth Football League's Connected Communities Program would not be possible without the generous support of our proud partners. 



To get your business involved in the Connected Communities Program or to find out more information, please contact 


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